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Smart glass:

Glas Trösch presents switchable insulating glass

This article is also available in German: Glas Trösch stellt schaltbares Isolierglas vor

With the dynamic eyrise s350 solar control glass from supplier Glas Trösch, the light and energy input is controlled via liquid crystals in the space between the panes.

At the core of this innovative technology is licrivision, a transparent liquid crystal mixture with special colouring molecules.

With new eyrise s350 solar control glass, which can be switched in seconds, Glas Trösch uses the liquid crystal technology from eyrise (Merck Group).

Glas Trösch

With new eyrise s350 solar control glass, which can be switched in seconds, Glas Trösch uses the liquid crystal technology from eyrise (Merck Group).

[Dynamic liquid crystal glass for building refurbishment in Switzerland]

Facade glass that can be switched in seconds

This mixture is located between two glass panes coated in a transparent, conductive film. A low voltage is used to change the direction of the liquid crystals, moving them from a random position to a highly organised pattern.

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In just one second, the eyrise s350 solar control glass can be darkened and then immediately provides protection against light and heat. If the solar radiation increases or decreases over time, the light transmission can be continuously regulated to adjust the tinting of the windows. This effectively reduces the costs for air conditioning and lighting.